Tag: horticulture



How to Incorporate Plants and Flowers into Your home decorating

Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies in countries all over the world and with good reason. It adds a little bit of beauty to the planet, it’s great exercise and it brings life into the world. However, if you’re spending more … read more



Become a Gleaner to Pick Produce for Those in Need (and Yourself)

Kitsap Harvest is a program that organizes volunteers to pick surplus fruits and veggies from farms, yards and gardens across Kitsap County. This activity is called “gleaning.” Kitsap Harvest donates the fresh produce to local organizations that feed people, like food banks, shelters, school summer … read more

Savage Plants

Sanctuary from a Hectic World — Savage Plants & Landscape

Nursery provides a wonderful blend of plants, landscape...

Savage Plants & Landscape in Kingston is a family-owned nursery that does more than just sell plants. Jim and Joan Savage started the nursery in 1993. Jim Savage runs the landscape division, and his daughter, Hollie Savage, is the nursery manager. “My mom … read more


(Photo courtesy Great Peninsula Conservancy)

Take a Nature Walk in One of Kitsap’s Greenspace Treasures with GPC

The Great Peninsula Conservancy (GPC) is launching an event series across Kitsap Peninsula in August. Nate Daniel, the new executive director of GPC, will lead nature tours through three well-known community greenspaces and parks: Ueland Tree Farm, Port Gamble Forest Heritage Park and … read more

An Outdoor Space to Savor and Share
A Pleasure Garden

An Outdoor Space to Savor and Share

When Kathy Hawkins moved to this region after 40 years in Fairbanks, Alaska, where winters got to 60 degrees below, she threw herself into gardening, undeterred by deer. With tremendous energy and commitment, Hawkins has involved herself in the many gardening resources the … read more


Cat Eating Houseplant

Keep Your Pets Safe from Poisonous Plants

If you have pets, you probably know that lilies are poisonous for cats, but did you know that tulips are dangerous for dogs? Some toxic plants don’t just cause gastric irritation — they can cause death. As you’re planning to add more plants … read more


Pressing Marine Greens

The Art of Science — Pressing Marine Greens

The pairing of seaweed science and art may sound like an unlikely combination, but on May 28, 30 event-goers got a taste of the fun at a seaweed pressing workshop in Bremerton. WSU Kitsap Extension, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, the SEA … read more


How to Identify Common Rhodie Problems

Rhododendrons are beginning to bloom their hearts out. They thrive in this region but are not without their share of hungry pests and sneaky diseases. A little understanding of common rhododendron problems is useful for maintaining healthy specimens. Trying to identify plant problems … read more


WSU Wild Food Exploration and Cooking Demonstration

WSU Kitsap County Extension Hosts a Wild Food Exploration and Cooking Demonstration

Have you ever hit the trail instead of the grocery store for your dinner ingredients? With spring in bloom, edible flowers, roots, barks and mushrooms cover the forest floor. In April, WSU Kitsap County Extension, Olympic College and the Keta Legacy Foundation partnered … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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